Ultimate Crash Tests: Surviving a Plane Crash
abc NEWS reported Discovery Channel’s Curiosity TV series pushing the limits of human imagination yet again. This time they researched on the science of destruction; their cause being to study, how to survive a plane crash? One of the worst situations anyone can think of but to get an idea about how to survive it is more than welcomed.
Discovery Channel collected a team of experts to execute an intentional Boeing 727 passenger plane crash in an uninhabited Mexican desert and scientists to study the after effects. Onboard the plane to be crashed were more than half a million worth of crash test dummies, sensors, 38 specialised cameras and a crew of pilots who bailed out of the plane minutes before its crash.

Plane tearing apart after crash landing
As the above image shows, plane from cockpit side to about the 7th row from the front is separated from rest of the fuselage after its impact with the ground. A lot of helpful information was gathered from this crash test. To survive a plane crash of similar nature bracing before impact is recommended. It helps to resist the impact upon a sudden fall. To know more about this crash test you can either visit abc NEWS or Discovery Channel’s official webpages.